Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting (the “Meeting”) of Valley Rugby Football Club Limited (Company #1100589) will be held at Wagyu Bar & Grill 18 Blue Pool Rd, Happy Valley, Hong Kong on Wednesday, 19 June 2024 at 7:00 pm to transact the following business:
1. to receive the financial statements for the year ended 31 May [2023];
2. to re-appoint Louis Lai & Luk as auditors of the company;
3. to authorise the General Committee to fix the auditors remuneration;
4. to elect the General Committee;
to consider and, if thought fit, pass with or without modification the following resolutions;
5. the appointment of the following person as a Life Member of Valley RFC:
Patrick Shepard
6. to authorise the General Committee to appoint a working group to review the Company’s Articles of Association and governance structure, draft amendments as deemed appropriate and update the relevant references to ensure gender neutrality.
1. Review and adoption of 2023 AGM minutes
2. Financial report
3. Auditors Appointment and Remuneration
4. Election of General Committee
5. Chairman’s Report
6. Section Reports
7. Special Resolutions
8. Any Other Business
General Committee Nominations
Chairperson: Orpheus Deaver
Vice Chairperson: Chris Brooks and Nicholas Brown
Treasurer: Ian Fleming
Men’s Performance Rugby Convenor: Robert Lennox
Men’s Community Rugby Convenor: Yuen Yiu Chung, Alexander
Women’s Rugby Convenor: Tanya Young
Hockey Convenor: Lorna McCabe
Netball Convenor: Rachel Bryant
Social Convenor: Emma Kent-Jones
Director for Kit: Ben Campbell
Director for Youth: Grace Ghattas
Director for Charity and Sustainability: Patrick Sheppard
Director for Diversity and Inclusion: Sonia Vashi
Director for Business Development and the Red and Black Club: Andy Dailly
Proxy form is attached and can be found on the Valley website: Information>Documents>AGM 2024 Documents
By Order of the Committee
Samantha Scott
Chief Operating Officer
29 May 2024